Imaginary Boutique (3472160)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (56 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Etnic dress with jeans coat
Published Apr 16, 2011
About Me
Hello, ТSR! We are two girls from Russia, our names are Olya and Lara, but you can call us Lelik and Larik We study as the bookkeeper and the graphic designer. We are playing the Sims 2 already for a long time, and clothes have started to do in 2010. We hope, you will like our creations!
My Guestbook Show All
VinogradovaAug 21, 2012
Девочки, отличные работы, продолжайте в том же духе
Snoopy21979Feb 10, 2012
I just downloaded your Sailor Shirt outfit for my Sim, and let me tell you: Amazing! I can't wait to download more of your awesome creations! Excellent work! Can't wait to see more like this!
NutsBabyGirlSep 13, 2011
You know I don't think I can find any better words to describe your grea creations that have not already been said so all I can and will say is FABULISHIOUS (if that qualifies as a word) I am and will be back often. Again thanks for sharing your talent and creations.